Besides being deeply comforting and relaxing, skilled side-lying work gives you excellent access to the structures of the shoulder. In this class you will learn specific, effective, and potent techniques for releasing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, including the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, levator scapula, subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, pectoralis minor, and the surrounding fascia. Our shoulders are meant to float freely on our ribcages, held in suspension by 16 muscles, but very often they are restricted, stuck down, and in pain. You will learn to effectively liberate any glued-down scapular structures and give your clients a feeling of ease and freedom in their back and shoulders.
You will also learn some focused, muscle-specific work to release bound up erector spinae and transversospinalis muscles. These muscles are often glued down and are a major source of pain and limitation for our clients. The side-lying position gives you excellent access to some of the smaller muscles of the back (and their fascial wrappings)--muscles that are fundamentally important to our posture, movement, and well-being, but that are often completely missed in a standard massage.
We sometimes think of side-lying work as primarily for pregnant women, but almost all of your clients can benefit from skilled side-lying work in this area, and it feels great. The class will focus on straightforward, muscle-specific techniques that can be immediately applied in practice. Body mechanics will also be a focus of this class, as well as proper use of fingers and elbows to save wear and tear on joints.
“This was the best CE class I’ve ever taken.” -Tyler Rapke
“I haven’t felt this kind of freedom in my shoulders since before massage school! I have definitely been enjoying my wings.” -Amy Ross
Our arms and hands are tough, dexterous, and exquisitely sensitive. As massage therapists, they are perhaps our primary vehicle for sensation and communication, and we use them (and sometimes overuse them) intensively. Our clients’ hands and arms often take a beating as well, especially with so much computer use in the workplace and at home. For all the work that they do, our hands and forearms seldom get the time or skilled attention that they deserve. In this class we will focus on specific techniques for releasing the muscles and fascia of the hands, thumbs and forearms; increasing mobility in the corresponding joints; and ‘deconstructing’ forearm muscles that have become glued together. You will learn some simple but effective ways to make your arm massages more specific, potent, and satisfying--and receive some good (and much-needed) work yourself.
“Great class! The techniques that were given were all useful & specific to healthy hands, wrists, & forearms. I would repeat this one.” -Nan Hardt
"All my little finger joints feel so free, and like they are lined with satin." - Melissa D'Haene
“This class has not only improved the work I offer my clients, but given me better hand mechanics and bodywork techniques to use on my own hands and forearms, relieving pain and prolonging my career.” -Rebecca Albert
Instructor: Brian Utting
CE hours: 8 (NCBTMB-approved)
Date and Time: Sunday, February 19, 2023, 8:45am-6pm
Tuition: $275NZ per day if registered with a non-refundable $125NZ ($75US) per-day deposit by January 20, 2023; $300NZ thereafter. Register for both classes in a 2-Class package (18 Feb DT Legs and 17 Feb Side-Lying Shoulder & DT Arms) for only $495NZ if registered by January 20, 2023 ($150US deposit required, which is equivalent to $250NZ). The price for the 2-Class package goes up to $550NZ on January 21, 2023.
Please note that this Sunday class is sold out. There are still one or two openings in the Saturday (DT Legs and Hips) class. If you’d like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact us at