Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder Injuries
A lot of our clients suffer from chronic rotator cuff injuries that seem to stubbornly persist using conventional massage techniques. Learn precise and specific orthopedic assessments and thumbs-free techniques to identify and successfully treat some of the most common injuries to the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, long head of the biceps, and acromioclavicular joint. The class will include a review of rotator cuff anatomy, palpation of the rotator cuff muscles and related structures, and instruction in appropriate treatment massage techniques to treat the soft tissue lesions. You will also receive a detailed 30-page handbook for future reference.
"This shoulder class was the best class and instruction I've ever had." - Deborah Luger
“Great presentation, very informative, and very in-depth”. - Daniel Gauvin
"This is the best Continuing Education workshop I've taken, out of 120+ CE hours." - Julio Otazo
Instructor: Brian Utting
CE hours: 8 (NCBTMB-approved for CE credit)
Date and Time: Saturday, June 8th, 2023, 9:30am-6:15pm
Tuition: Either one-day option is $190 with a $90 non-refundable deposit.
Tuition for both days is $340 with a $200 non-refundable deposit.
To register: Contact Lizzz at Port Townsend School of Massage at (360) 379-4066 to register — PTSM only does registrations by phone.
If you have questions, you can contact PTSM at info@massageeducation.com or Brian at info@pnwschool.com.