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Vision and Upper Body Tension with MaryBetts Sinclair (live, via Zoom)

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Vision and Upper Body Tension

Vision issues are very common for our clients and for bodyworkers as well. Vision issues are frequently related to chronic face and upper body tension, which even very good bodywork relieves for only a short time. For example, squinting or straining to see can create deep tension in the eyes, jaw and suboccipitals. Head tilts and turns can develop with conditions such as a “lazy eye”. Working at a computer while wearing bifocals can lead to a downward tilt of the head and a retraction of the neck, making the eyes, head and neck continually tight.

This class will help you understand when a vision issue is contributing to client's chronic upper body tension. Some additional issues related to vision include: strains related to poor posture and overuse of the eyes; overuse of computers, cell phones, or other near-point work; emotional stress; and longstanding vision conditions. You will learn: how to spot some of these causes; a treatment that includes bodywork and hydrotherapy methods to create a “spa for the eyes”; and to identify compensatory reactions of our body to vision issues and wearing eyeglasses.

“The topic of muscle tension and how it can be related to the eyes was very unique and appealing. I don't think I've ever seen a class like this offered.” - Patricia Evenson

"One big takeaway was that the skeleton follows the eyes. Now that I have that awareness, I notice this in my body in all that I do.” - Wendy Edwards

Instructor: MaryBetts Sinclair. To learn more about MaryBetts, click here.
CE Hours: 3 (NCBTMB-approved for CE credit)
Date and Time: Saturday, April 30th, 10am-1pm
Tuition: $50.

Please note: This class is currently sold out. If you’d like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact us at